Aristo Bio-Tech and Lifescience Limited - SME IPO
Aristo Bio-Tech and Lifescience Limited
Aristo Bio-Tech and Lifescience Limited is an agrochemical business that was founded in 2005. They are mostly involved in the production, formulation, distribution, supply, packaging, and job work of various pesticides. In addition to delivering their goods to India, they also export goods like insecticides. Herbicides, fungicides, plant growth regulators, and numerous other agrochemicals are used in agriculture.
The sector in which Aristo Bio-Tech and Lifescience operates
The sector in which Aristo Bio-Tech and Lifescience operates is a vast one filled with opportunities. Entities involved in this sector produce and distribute fertilizers and insecticides. Each of these organizations helps to improve crop yields and quality. More than 20 Indian states are receiving items from Aristo Bio-Tech and Lifescience. Also, the offerings included in the list of countries where the services are offered are Armenia, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Cambodia, Germany, Italy, Kenya, Moldova, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, Ukraine, and Vietnam. The company's Quality Management System has been awarded ISO 9001: 2015 certification.
The following are items made by Aristo:-
Fungicides, insecticides, herbicides/weedicides, and plant growth regulators. Along with carrying out manufacturing operations, the company also offers Crop Protection companies contract manufacturing, job work, and toll manufacturing services.
Objects of the Issue
The Net Proceeds from the Fresh Issue will be employed towards the following objects
1. To Meet Working Capital Requirement.
2. General Corporate Purpose.
3. To Meet the
Issue Charges
Company Promoters
1. Mr. Narendra Singh Barhat
2. Mrs. Kusum Narendra Singh Barhat
3. Mr. Ketankumar
Harkantbhai Joshi