To improve the legal validation and transparency of debenture trustee appointments, Sebi has proposed a change from the term 'consent letter' to 'debenture trustee agreement' in its regulations. This update aims to streamline the appointment process and enhance clarity in offer documents.
In a consultation paper issued on Saturday, Sebi suggested replacing "consent letter" with "debenture trustee agreement" in the regulations governing non-convertible securities. The debenture trustee agreement (DTA) will serve as a more formal and legally binding document compared to the previously used consent letter.
This change is expected to provide investors with clearer information, helping them make better-informed decisions about their investments in debentures. The working group noted that while issuers initially obtained a consent letter from debenture trustees, the DTA was executed later. Since the consent letter lacked legal standing, the group recommended the DTA as the appropriate document for validating trustee appointments.
Sebi also proposed that the debenture trustee agreement be accessible to investors through a QR code included in the offer document. This digital feature will enable investors to easily review the agreement, ensuring they have full knowledge of the trustee's role and obligations.
Public comments on this proposal are invited by Sebi until September 6. This initiative responds to recommendations aimed at simplifying business operations in the financial sector, in line with the objectives set forth in the FY 2023-24 Budget.